
               author = "Huam{\'a}n Chinchay, Joao Henry",
                title = "Uso de multi-canais do GOES-16 para previs{\~a}o imediata de 
                         densidade de descargas el{\'e}tricas",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2018",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2018-05-29",
             keywords = "nowcasting, descarga el{\'e}trica, sensoriamento remoto, ABI, 
                         GLM, lightning, remote sensing.",
             abstract = "Este trabalho emprega os multi-canais do sat{\'e}lite GOES-16 
                         para a previs{\~a}o imediata de densidades de descargas 
                         el{\'e}tricas. Para isto se utilizaram imagens do Advanced 
                         Baseline Imager (ABI) e as coordenadas dos flashes registrados 
                         pelo Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM). A {\'a}rea de estudo 
                         se localiza na regi{\~a}o norte do Brasil, sobre a cidade do 
                         Manaus. A metodologia empregada consistiu em identificar as 
                         respostas radiativas que apresentam as nuvens de tempestades com 
                         respeito aos atributos f{\'{\i}}sicos: tamanho das 
                         part{\'{\i}}culas, intensidade do fluxo ascendente, profundidade 
                         da nuvem e glacia{\c{c}}{\~a}o no seu topo; mediante campos de 
                         interesse (singulares bandas e suas diferen{\c{c}}as), e 
                         relaciona-los com sete categorias de densidade de flash, 
                         acumulados entre 0-5, 5-10 e 10-15 minutos posteriores ao 
                         hor{\'a}rio das imagens do ABI. Desta rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o se 
                         elaboraram histogramas de frequ{\^e}ncia relativa, que permitiu 
                         identificar aos campos de interesse que apresentam a maior 
                         sensibilidade com respeito ao incremento dos flashes. Por meio das 
                         frequ{\^e}ncias relativas acumuladas e da curva com a m{\'a}xima 
                         derivada foi poss{\'{\i}}vel determinar os campos de interesse 
                         (associado a cada atributo f{\'{\i}}sico) e seus limiares, os 
                         quais foram empregados como preditores da densidade de descargas 
                         el{\'e}tricas. A partir destes preditores, foram elaborados sete 
                         modelos de previs{\~a}o para o per{\'{\i}}odo diurno, noturno e 
                         para as 24 horas do dia. As avalia{\c{c}}{\~o}es das 
                         previs{\~o}es dos preditores e dos modelos mostraram que no 
                         intervalo de tempo de 5-10 minutos se observam os menores valores 
                         de false alarme (FAR) e a maior probabilidade de 
                         detec{\c{c}}{\~a}o (POD). Tomando como crit{\'e}rio baixos 
                         valores de FAR e altos valores de POD, determinou-se que a banda 
                         de 10.35 \μm {\'e} o melhor preditor. No caso dos modelos, 
                         o modelo-05, formado pelas bandas 10.35 \μm e 3.9 \μm 
                         - 10.35 \μm, foi o que apresentou o melhor resultado para o 
                         per{\'{\i}}odo noturno, enquanto que para os outros dois 
                         per{\'{\i}}odos do dia, o modelo-07, formado pela banda de 10.35 
                         \μm e tend{\^e}ncia temporal em 30 minutos, foi o melhor. 
                         ABSTRACT: This study employs the GOES-16 satellite multi-channel 
                         for the immediate prediction of electric discharge densities. For 
                         this we used images from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and 
                         the coordinates of the flashes recorded by the Geostationary 
                         Lightning Mapper (GLM). The study area is located in the northern 
                         region of Brazil, in the city of Manaus. The methodology used 
                         consisted in identifying the radiative responses of storm clouds 
                         with respect to physical attributes: particle size, updraft 
                         strength, cloud depth and cloud-top glaciation; using interest 
                         fields (singular bands and their differences), and relates them to 
                         seven categories of flash density, accumulated between 0-5, 5-10 
                         and 10-15 minutes after the time of ABI images. Relative frequency 
                         histograms were elaborated from this relation, which allowed to 
                         identify to the interest fields that present the greater 
                         sensitivity with regard to the increase of the flashes. By means 
                         of the relative accumulated -frequencies and the maximum 
                         derivative curve it was possible to determine the interest fields 
                         (associated with each physical attribute) and their thresholds, 
                         which were used as predictors of the flash density. From these 
                         predictors, seven prediction models were developed for the daytime 
                         and night periods and 24 hour of the day. Predictor and model 
                         predictor evaluations showed that the lowest false alarms (FAR) 
                         and the highest probability of detection (POD) were observed in 
                         the 5-10 minute interval. Based on low FAR values and high POD 
                         values, the 10.35 \μm band was determined to be the best 
                         predictor. In the case of the models, the model-05, formed by the 
                         bands 10.35 \μm and 3.9 \μm - 10.35 \μm, was the 
                         best for the night period, whereas for the other periods of the 
                         day, the model-07, formed by the 10.35 \μm band and its 
                         temporary trend of 30 minutes, was the best.",
            committee = "Vila, Daniel Alejandro (presidente) and Machado, Luiz Augusto 
                         Toledo (orientador) and Ceballos, Juan Carlos and Kummerow, 
         englishtitle = "Use of the GOES-16 satellite multi-channel for the immediate 
                         prediction of electric discharge densities",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "163",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34R/3R5M85H",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34R/3R5M85H",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "27 abr. 2024"
